Job Interviews: What You Shouldn’t Discuss

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Are you in the process of finding a new job? If you are, you will likely have a number of job interviews coming up in the next few weeks or months. Job interviews, although nerve-wracking, are often a lot easier than originally thought. With that in mind, there are preparation steps that you can and should take to ensure that your next job interview is a successful one.

One of the most important tips that you can remember, when looking to prepare for an upcoming job interview, is what not to say. There are some topics that need to be discussed during a job interview, but there are others that should be left out of the conversation. For more information on what you should or shouldn’t discuss at one of your upcoming job interviews, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the many topics that you should refrain from discussing at one of your upcoming job interviews involves your personal life. For instance, you may not want to talk about your family or any friends that you may have. If you are asked if you are a parent, you will want to respond, as well as answer any other questions, but you will want to try and refrain from brining up the topic yourself. You will want to try to keep your personal and professional lives separate.

Bad experiences at past jobs are another one of the many topics that you may want to refrain from discussing at job interviews. For starters, your information may be deemed as gossip. You will also want to refrain from divulging important information about your past employer, especially if they can be considered competitors. Simply taking the high road and avoiding any topics that have to deal with poor experiences at your previous places of employment should help your public perception.

In addition to bad experiences at one of your previous jobs, it is also advised that you refrain from speaking poorly about any of your former supervisors. No matter if your boss was in the wrong, you will want avoid speaking about the conflict. That doesn’t mean that you should lie if asked, but it does mean that you should at least use your best judgment. You will want to show all prospective employers that you have respect for management, even if you don’t like the management members.

If you were ever terminated from a job, you will want to proceed with caution during your job interviews. Discussing a job in which you were terminated from may not work in your best interest. With that in mind, it is important to examine the reason for your termination. Anything serious such as sexual harassment or theft may want to be avoided during a job interview. However, if you will receive a background check, this information may come into light anyways. Once again, you will want to use your best judgment.

Bad pay is another topic that you may want to refrain from discussing in upcoming job interviews. It is not uncommon for pay to be discussed during a job interview. With that in mind, should you find the starting salary to be lower than you may have thought, you will want to keep your composure. It would be impolite for you to leave in the middle of your interview or complain about the pay. What you may want to do, instead, is spin it in a somewhat positive matter that can still display your disapproval. You may want to consider asking about the other benefits, like sick days or vacation days, which can be used as other forms of compensation.

The above mentioned topics are just a few of the many topics that you may want to leave out at your next job interview. Of course, during a job interview it is important to answer all questions asked, but just be cautious with your answers and do not divulge more information than needed.
