Qualifications – What Do Employers Look For?

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When applying for jobs, it is important that you read through the job description thoroughly before submitting your application. A lot of what employers are actually looking for in their potential associate is written right in the job description and…

Preparing for a Job Interview

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With the economy the way it is, mostly due to COVID-19, many people are finding themselves laid off and looking for work. Others may have just completed their education or training, but are struggling to compete with thousands of other job seekers for…

Confidence Is Key

posted in: Career, Leadership | 0

Let’s face it; if you want to succeed at anything, you need to have a certain level of confidence. This doesn’t mean that you need to boldly and fearlessly attack every aspect of life. There certainly may be areas where you lack confidence….

Advice For Writing A Strong Resume

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Creating a strong, solid resume involves several steps, which, when taken together, prove fruitful for an improved resume. Simple enough in themselves, it is important to actually go through and check that all the elements needed for a strong resume…

How to Create a Cover Letter

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Before you send out your resume or resumes, you will want to take a close look at the cover letter of your resume. For starters, are you even using a cover letter? If you are currently not using a cover letter, you will want to refrain…